Saturday, January 26, 2013

What if I am the One Not Communicating? | Blog | Mager ...

On the other hand, you have the right to expect healthy communication only when you have honestly addressed the situation, making sure you can answer certain questions for yourself. Questions to Ask Yourself?.

  1. Have you attempted to understand what the real issue is in the situation?
  2. Have you taken their needs into account?
  3. ?Have you made reasonable efforts to understand why there is a communication problem?
  4. Do you believe that your requests are reasonable?
  5. Have you offered realistic alternatives or compromises that you can truly accept?

And what if you?re the person who?s not communicating? It might be helpful to stand in the shoes of the other person and answer the questions in the previous section. In a great relationship, communication is the foundation for real happiness. Why do you think that no communication is the better alternative? Why do you think either you or the other benefits by a situation that makes one or both of you more uncomfortable?

Communication (or the lack of it) tells you so much about the relationship and where you stand. Whatever the situation, your honest and responsive communication will enable solutions that are best for both of you. You owe it to yourself?and to the other. Regardless of the outcome, the resolution will give everyone a chance to be happier. That is being honest. That is being fair. That is doing the right thing.


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