Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What Others Won't Tell You About Breast Cancer | Eating Broccoli

The constant research work on breast cancer has shown a strong link between high fatty foods and breast cancer. Countries with staple food based diets like Japan of the 1950s have recorded minimal occurrence of breast cancer. With this, I?m sure you will want to watch out for the fat content of your food.??

Although a lot of symptoms have been given for breast cancer, it is noted that breast cancer can come with a different sign and symptoms in some people. So the best way of detecting breast cancer is by knowing your breast and being aware of the slightest changes that occur, be it in size, shape or feel. You can read more about breast cancer detection here.

It doesn?t matter whether breast cancer has affected your mother and grandmother and they both died from it, you don?t have to die from it too. You see, modern science has advanced so strongly that the diseases that used to kill people in the past no longer kill. If your breast cancer is discovered very early on, you can be sure you won?t die. So, always ensure you examine your breasts for any signs of tumor. That can save your life.

The cancer tumor present in the breast over time forms a lump within the breast. When this happens it can be noticed by physical examination of the breast. This is why it is being stressed that women should constantly examine their breast for presence of lumps and should report it immediately it is noticed.

Targeted therapy is a way of treating breast cancer. This type of treatment involves the use of monoclonal antibodies to battle an excessive abundance of HER2 protein in cancerous cells thereby reducing the growth of the cancerous cells in the process. If used with chemotherapy, this reduces the chance of cancer cells relapsing.

Small cells cancer is the type of breast cancer that characterized small tumor cells. These small cells develop rapidly and can spread pretty quickly over the breast and nearby regions. This has further emphasized the need for clinical breast cancer examination. Find more information about breast cancer here.

Breast cancer is usually characterized with changes in the size of the breast. However a drastic change in your breast size does not necessarily confirm the presence of cancer cells. If you notice differences in your breast size, it is advised that you seek medical attention to determine the cause.

Breast cancer survival rate depends on the degree of the cancer?s metastasis. If the breast cancer is not timely diagnosed it can cause a spread to other parts of the body and organs. Constantly check your breast for cancer lumps and avoid the spreading of the tumor if it is there.

A lot of women want to know the effect of our diet on the development of breast cancer. I?ll say since our body can be physically and genetically modified by the kind of food we eat, it is logical to believe that food plays an important role in the development of breast cancer. With this being said, you should remember that one man?s meat is another?s poison so have your doctor review your diet for it is only him/her that can say if the kind of food you eat can encourage the development of breast cancer or not. Find more hints about timely noticed breast cancer here.

Sexual activities and hormonal level can determine the development of breast cancer. People with low sexual hormone secretion due to none or little engagement in sexual activities, are said to be at a higher risk of developing breast cancer. This place Nuns on a high risk of breast cancer doesn?t it??

Although occasionally found in men, breast cancer is most common in women. The statistic shows a ratio of 1:100 for men: women diagnosed cases of breast cancer. This shows that women are more endangered to breast cancer, but most importantly, this has shown that men too can develop breast cancer; therefore they should also check their risk factors and speak occasionally to their doctor concerning breast cancer.

There are a lot of other ailments that share some of the symptoms of breast cancer. These ailments include cysts, fibro adenomas, injuries and other infections. These ailments are non cancerous and may not be as severe as the breast cancer. When you notice variation in your breast, you shouldn?t wave it off thinking it is one of these diseases, you should receive medical help immediately.

Although the slight sexual disorder usually experienced by women who successfully got treated for breast cancer is expected to be short lived, it is advised that the woman in question should also take steps to make the effect wear off quicker. Involving in so many activities and sexual programs will help her get her sexual drive back sooner. This will ensure that she and her partner can return to joyous sex soon.

Breast cancer cannot be pinned to any cause as at present. This has made the prevention of breast cancer almost impossible as we don?t actually know the things to stay away from. You can reduce the risk of breast cancer however by boosting your body?s immune system, eating leafy vegetable, fresh fruits and whole grain foods are ways by which you can boost your immune system.

A lot of people believe that it is impossible for men to develop breast cancer. What they don?t know is that no matter how undeveloped the man?s breast is, it still has its own tissues. These tissues as well can develop malignant cell growth causing breast cancer. So as a man, you need to also pay attention to information on breast cancer as you are not exactly free from it.

Breast cancer in men can be characterized by a warm feel to touch and inverted nipples. If you notice this as you bath or examine yourself, then make appointment with your doctor for clinical confirmation of your status.

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Source: http://www.eatingbroccoli.com/disease/what-others-wont-tell-you-about-breast-cancer/

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