Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pet Care Basics ? Common Parasites and ... - Kissed By Dogs

Pet dogs are susceptible to parasites and certain diseases that can be easily treated with pet-safe products available in pet stores or from veterinary doctors in urbane scrubs. Before treating your pets, remember to carefully follow the directions indicated in the label and to consult your vet. Pet dog owners should be aware of the common parasites and illnesses that afflict dogs so that they can anticipate what to do in case it happens to their pet.


You dog will get fleas at one point or another and it can recur from time to time. The most common symptom is itching but not all itching is caused by fleas. If you think insect bites is the reason why your dog is itching uncontrollably, see your veterinarian before you begin treatment as the itching may be caused by a number of things aside from fleas. The most common dog allergy is flea allergy.

A lot of dogs are allergic to the saliva of fleas and a flea bite can cause intense itching, small red bumps, and redness of the skin. There are dogs that are more allergic to fleas than others and those highly allergic may have a severe reaction to just a few bites. Other common dog allergens aside from insects include pollen, certain plants, and certain foods. The treatment will depend on what caused the allergic reaction in the first place. To combat and help prevent allergies, you can also bathe your pet in Epsom salts or an oatmeal bath, vacuum and clean your home often, place activated charcoal around houseplants, and get a humidifier to decrease mold.

Ear mites

So called because they dwell on the skin lining the dog?s ear canal, ear mites are tiny parasites that pierce the dog?s skin and feeds on the dog?s blood causing discomfort and inflammation. If left untreated, it can lead to bacterial infections which can eventually lead to loss of hearing. Common symptoms of ear mites include head shaking, persistent scratching around the ears, foul-smelling odor, restless behavior, brown particles in the ears, and when the pet?s ears are painful to touch which when done may cause them to wince or cry out in pain. Dogs with long, floppy ears are more at risk of getting ear mite infections since air movement is more restricted and thus promotes bacterial growth and infection. If you have a household with more than one pet and one pet is treated for ear mites, it is likely that the parasite will move to another resident so it is best to treat all your pets for mites when one is afflicted.


Heartworm is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes and can be fatal to dogs, thus preventive measures are recommended. Curing dogs with heartworms can be very expensive and requires powerful drugs or even hospitalization, so the better course is heartworm prevention. You can go to your veterinarian and get an annual test to see if your dog is already carrying the worms. If the test is negative, your pet doctor can recommend a medication for preventing heartworms.

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Source: http://www.kissedbydogs.com/blog/pet-care-basics-common-parasites-and-diseases-that-afflict-pet-dogs/

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