Two things that make me surprised after watching this movie : first one is how high the critics' rating for this movie that well-directed-but-not-great-from-the-cast-performances, while the other one is how many stars that make a cameo appearance in this movie such as Whoopi Goldberg, Selena Gomez, John Krasinski, Alan Arkin, Jim Parsons, Neil Patrick Harris, Emily Blunt, Zach Galifianakis, Ken Jeong, and not forget to mention Jack Black.. Jason Segel's idea to bring back 'The Muppets' live in cinema again is worthed cause he made a really enjoyable movie to be watched by everyone this time.. While for the reason why the main lady character goes to Amy Adams, all I can do is guessing because she once did a movie like this before -Enchanted- and she successfully nailed it.. The one that made me surprised a lot is I don't know Chris Cooper can sing! It like watching a president's debate but one of them suddenly start singing and dancing, it just so hilarious! While for The Muppets itself, I must say that I'm not growing up watching them but I know that they're irreplaceable in everybody's heart, even for kids these days that barely know them.. Overall, it's a fun and heart-winning family movie with a lot of enjoyable song to be loved about such as 'Man or Muppet' or 'Life's A Happy Song'
July 23, 2011Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Romney not taking any chances ahead of Fla. vote (AP)
POMPANO BEACH, Fla. ? Mitt Romney isn't taking any chances.
A day before voting begins in Florida's Republican primary, Romney is running ahead of rival Newt Gingrich in polls. The former Massachusetts governor earned positive reviews during two debates. And Romney has put the former House speaker on the defensive over ethics and Freddie Mac.
"It's only when he can mass money to focus on carpet-bombing with negative ads that he gains any traction at all," Gingrich is complaining.
But instead of stepping back and refocusing on President Barack Obama ? as he did in Iowa when it became clear that Gingrich had lost ? Romney is ratcheting up his rhetoric and continuing his attacks until the very end. He hopes to close the Florida campaign strongly to push Gingrich as far back as possible.
"His record is one of failed leadership," Romney said of Gingrich Sunday night at a rally in Pompano Beach, in South Florida. And Romney challenged Gingrich to "look in the mirror" to figure out why the former House speaker has fallen back in Florida.
"His record is one of failed leadership. We don't need someone who can speak well perhaps or can say things we agree with, but does not have the experience of being an effective leader," he said.
Aides say Romney's attacks are partially a response to increasingly angry rhetoric from Gingrich, who on Sunday called the former Massachusetts governor "somebody who is a pro-abortion, pro-gun-control, pro-tax-increase liberal." Gingrich also accused Romney of lying. "I don't know how you debate a person with civility if they're prepared to say things that are just plain factually false," Gingrich said.
Romney's campaign on Sunday fired back immediately, starting with the candidate and continuing with statements from top surrogates who cast Gingrich's assault as an unfair attack on Romney's character.
"Mitt Romney is man of impeccable character," said New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. "It offends me that Newt Gingrich would attack the character of Mitt Romney."
Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty called the attacks "over the line."
Romney's supporters particularly defended his anti-abortion credentials following Gingrich's attack. Gingrich allies are also running radio ads attacking Romney's record on the issue.
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi called Romney a "champion for pro-life values" as she introduced him at the rally. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen offered a similar defense during an earlier rally with the Cuban American community in Hialeah.
In what has become a wildly unpredictable race, the momentum has swung back to Romney, who just last weekend was staggered by Gingrich's victory in South Carolina. Romney has begun advertising in Nevada ahead of that state's caucuses next Saturday, illustrating the challenges ahead for Gingrich, who has pledged to push ahead no matter what happens in Florida.
An NBC News/Marist poll published Sunday showed Romney with support from 42 percent of likely Florida primary voters, compared with 27 percent for Gingrich.
To hang onto his lead, Romney continued to paint Gingrich as part of the very Washington establishment he condemns and someone who had a role in the nation's economic problems.
"Your problem in Florida is that you worked for Freddie Mac at a time when Freddie Mac was not doing the right thing for the American people, and that you're selling influence in Washington at a time when we need people who will stand up for the truth in Washington," Romney told an audience in Naples.
Gingrich's consulting firm was paid more than $1.5 million by the federally-backed mortgage company over a period after he left Congress in 1999.
Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, trailing in Florida by a wide margin, skipped campaigning to be with his 3-year-old daughter, Bella, who was hospitalized. He planned to campaign in Missouri and Minnesota early this week.
Texas Rep. Ron Paul, who has invested little in Florida, looked ahead to Nevada. The libertarian-leaning Paul is focusing more on gathering delegates in caucus states, where it's less expensive to campaign. But securing the nomination only through caucus states is a hard task.
The intense effort by Romney to slow Gingrich is comparable to his strategy against Gingrich in the closing month before Iowa's leadoff caucuses Jan. 3. Gingrich led in Iowa polls, lifted by what were hailed as strong performances in televised debates. But his support dropped in the face of withering attacks by Romney, aided immensely by ads sponsored by a "super" political action committee run by former Romney aides.
But Romney aides say they made the mistake of assuming Gingrich could not rise again as he did in South Carolina. Romney appears determined not to let that happen again.
Romney has three events scheduled across the state Monday. He planned events in Jacksonville and the Tampa area. Gingrich has five planned events.
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Monday, January 30, 2012
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Sudan rebels say holding 29 Chinese workers (Reuters)
KHARTOUM (Reuters) ? Rebels in Sudan's oil-producing border state of South Kordofan said on Sunday they were holding Chinese workers for their own safety after a battle with the Sudanese army.
The army has been fighting rebels of the SPLM-N in South Kordofan bordering newly independent South Sudan since June. Fighting spread to the northern Blue Nile state in September.
"We are holding 29 Chinese workers after a battle with the army yesterday," a spokesman for the SPLM-N said. "They are in good health. We are holding them for their own safety because the army was trying to strike again."
The army said rebels had attacked the compound of a Chinese construction company operating in the area between the towns of Abbasiya and Rashad in the north of the state and captured 70 civilians.
"Most of them are Chinese. They (the rebels) are targeting civilians," said army spokesman Sawarmi Khalid Saad.
He said there had been no battle in the area and the army was now trying to rescue the civilians.
China's foreign ministry urged Sudan to guarantee the safety of Chinese personnel during the search and rescue process, according to a statement released in Beijing.
South Kordofan is the main oil-producing state in Sudan, while Blue Nile is rich in minerals such as chrome.
The fighting in both states has forced about 417,000 people to flee their homes, more than 80,000 of them to South Sudan, according to the United Nations.
Both states contain large groups who sided with the south in a decades-long civil war, and who say they continue to face persecution inside Sudan since South Sudan seceded in July.
The SPLM is now the ruling party in the independent south and denies supporting SPLM-North rebels across the border.
Events in South Kordofan and Blue Nile are difficult to verify because aid groups and diplomats are banned from areas where fighting takes place.
SPLM-North is one of a number of rebel movements in underdeveloped border areas who say they are fighting to overthrow Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir and end what they see as the dominance of the Khartoum political elite.
Sudan and South Sudan, which still have to resolve a range of issues including the sharing of oil revenues, regularly trade accusations of supporting insurgencies on each other's territory.
(Reporting by Ulf Laessing and Khalid Abdelaziz; additional reporting by David Stanway in Beijing)
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Sunday, January 29, 2012
Twitter boycotted Saturday by some
By Suzanne Choney
How do you get the word out about a boycott of Twitter when it's Twitter that's needed to get the word out? It was tough, especially in the case of the hastily organized one for Saturday meant to protest the site's new policy of censoring certain tweets, or posts, in some countries.
Some users spread the word by using the black-bar approach (above). But, like Twitter itself, the boycott translated to many different emotions and reactions:
As Saturday became Sunday in some parts of the world, for those who did boycott, this man's tweet spoke volumes about how some people feel about Twitter:
Yet others said perhaps another (better-organized) boycott is in order:
This person, involved in the "Occupy" movement, was torn between protests:
On Twitter's worldwide "trending" chart, the boycott did not make the top 10:
Twitter, contacted by Saturday, declined to comment on the boycott.
But one of the tweets posted by its Twitter's communications team (@twittercomms) suggested "#TwitterBlackout reading," including analyses by the Center for Democracy & Technology, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and a fellow from Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet and Society for different perspectives on the new policy.
"Let?s be clear: This is censorship. There?s no way around that," wrote Jillian C. York, the EFF's director of international freedom of expression, on a blog. "But alas, Twitter is not above the law. Just about every company hosting user-generated content has, at one point or another, gotten an order or government request to take down content."
Zeynep Tufekci, the Berkman Center fellow, wrote that the new policy is "not made hard to circumvent. Twitter helpfully included instructions on how to change your country ('manually override' the country setting which is determined by IP). I don?t know about you, but does this sound like Twitter is caving? Also, obviously, Tor users and proxy users will be able to access the content fairly easily."
Twitter said Friday its users "now send a billion tweets every four days," and that it will not be filtering tweets, something that is "neither desirable nor realistic. With this new feature, we are going to be reactive only: that is, we will withhold specific content only when required to do so in response to what we believe to be a valid and applicable legal request."
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Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on?Facebook,?and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.
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8 sea lions found shot to death near Seattle
By NBC News and staff
SEATTLE -- At least?eight sea lions have been found shot to death in the Puget Sound region in recent weeks, wildlife officials say.
The bodies of seven sea lions were recently found on the Nisqually River, south of Tacoma,?all apparently shot, NBC station KING 5 of Seattle?reported. On Monday, a mature male California sea lion was found dead on West Seattle's Lincoln Park beach.
During a necropsy, the state Department of Fish and?Wildlife removed a bullet from the left lung?of that sea lion, according to?the animal protection group Seal Sitters, which keeps watch over baby seals left on the beach while their mothers?are foraging.
State and federal authorities are investigating, but they said they?don't know who?killed the sea lions. The penalty?could range from fees to possible jail time.
California sea lions are a protected species under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Stellar sea lions are a federally protected under the Endangered Species Act.
Almost two years ago, five sea lions were found shot to death on West Seattle beaches. In that instance, the Humane Society offered a $2,500 reward for?information leading to an arrest.
Sea lions have proved to be pests in some parts of the Puget Sound. Extensive efforts have been used to prevent them from devouring salmon schooled at the ship locks that lead from Puget Sound into Seattle's Lake Union. Authorities have tried to scare those away with firecrackers, fired rubber bullets and bean bags at them, even captured and trucked them all the way to California. Sea lions that refused to take the hint?have been killed by authorities.
A photograph taken recently and published in the Seattle Times?showed dozens of sea lions on an old barge near the north?end of the Nisqually Delta, where the seven sea lions were found?shot.?
"This is the most sea lions I have ever seen at once in south sound," Pete Topping, a state Fish and Wildlife biologist, told the Times.'s Gil Aegerter contributed to this report from NBC station KING 5 of Seattle.
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Saturday, January 28, 2012
Just Show Me: How to clear your browser history in Safari (Yahoo! News)
Welcome to?Just Show Me on?Tecca TV, where we show you tips and tricks for getting the most out of the?gadgets in your life. In today's episode we'll show you how to clear your history in the?Safari web browser.
Clearing your history is a good idea if you're ever on a public computer or use a system that could be viewed by someone else. Your browser history tells people a lot, perhaps more then you'd like them to know! Clearing it is easy, and we'll walk you through the steps in our video.
Take a look at these other episodes of Just Show Me that'll help you use your Safari web browser to the full potential:
For even more episodes of Just Show Me,?subscribe to Tecca TV's YouTube channel and?check out all our Just Show Me episodes. If you have any topics you'd like to see us cover, just drop us a line in the comments.
This article originally appeared on Tecca
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Friday, January 27, 2012
New Zealand court bails two associates of Megaupload founder (Reuters)
WELLINGTON (Reuters) ? A New Zealand court granted bail on Thursday to two associates of the founder of online file-sharing website Megaupload, accused of being involved in a scheme that allegedly made more than $175 million from Internet piracy and illegal file sharing.
Dutchman Bram van der Kolk, 29, and Finn Batato, a 38-year-old German, who were arrested last Friday along with Megaupload's founder, Kim Dotcom, were freed on bail. A decision on another accused, Mathias Ortman, was put off until Friday pending further submissions on his bail application.
"I am satisfied that the risk of flight here is minimal and such risk as remains can be met by the imposition of strict bail conditions including electronic monitoring," Judge David McNaughton said in a written judgment.
A lawyer for the men had argued their role in the company was different from that of Dotcom, and they did not have secret sources of funds or multiple identities.
The United States wants to extradite all four on charges of Internet piracy, copyright infringement, racketeering and money laundering.
Dotcom, 38, was refused bail on Wednesday because the judge believed there was a significant risk he could try to flee New Zealand. He will reappear in court on February 22. His lawyer is preparing to appeal that decision, maintaining that Dotcom does not have the means to leave the country.
The defendants have said they are innocent of the piracy and other charges, asserting the company simply offered online storage.
An extradition application must be lodged within 45 days of an arrest, and the U.S. must show the alleged offences would be crimes in New Zealand punishable by at least 12 months in jail.
Legal experts have said the extradition process is likely to be long and complex.
(Reporting by Gyles Beckford; Editing by Ian Geoghegan)
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Insurer WellPoint's 4Q profit drops 39 percent (AP)
INDIANAPOLIS ? WellPoint Inc.'s fourth-quarter net income sank 39 percent as medical claims increased, mostly because of a $50 million hit from the health insurer's Medicare Advantage business. But the company forecast earnings growth in 2012.
The performance led to a rare miss of Wall Street expectations, and WellPoint's full-year earnings outlook also fell short of analyst forecasts. The Indianapolis company's stock, which had mostly climbed so far in 2012, fell Wednesday.
Investors are used to managed-care companies beating expectations handily, so WellPoint's performance will not sit well, Jefferies analyst David Windley said in a research note.
WellPoint, which operates Blue Cross Blue Shield plans in 14 states, said medical claims climbed nearly 10 percent in the quarter to $12.43 billion. In contrast, that expense fell 5 percent in the 2010 quarter. Medical claims are the insurer's largest expense.
WellPoint said the change was driven largely by expenses tied to its Medicare Advantage coverage.
Medicare Advantage plans are privately run, government-subsidized versions of the government's Medicare program for the elderly. WellPoint said it lost $50 million in the quarter and $150 million in 2011 due to a Northern California plan that attracted more customers with a higher risk profile than the insurer expected, because a competitor left the market. Those customers generated more in claims than they provided in premiums.
WellPoint discontinued that plan as of Jan. 1.
"This actually should not repeat at all in 2012," Chief Financial Officer Wayne DeVeydt said.
Overall, WellPoint earned $335.3 million, or 96 cents per share, in the three months that ended Dec. 31. That's down from $548.8 million, or $1.40 per share, in the final quarter of 2010. Adjusted net income, which excludes investment gains, was 99 cents per share.
Operating revenue, which also excludes investment gains, climbed 5.5 percent to $15.18 billion.
Analysts surveyed by FactSet expected, on average, earnings of $1.12 per share on $15.46 billion in revenue.
WellPoint spokeswoman Kristin Binns also said the insurer faced a tough comparison with its performance in the final quarter of 2010. In that quarter, it recorded a benefit of $315 million because claims left over from previous quarters came in lower than expected. It had no gain like that in the 2011 quarter.
Managed care companies have been buoyed the past few quarters by health care use that has grown at lower-than-expected rates. This trend, which many say is driven by a pullback in consumer spending, has helped companies consistently beat analyst expectations. Analysts have said they expect this trend to continue into 2012.
DeVeydt said health care use did rise in the fourth quarter, but it remained lower than normal, and trends were affected more by the cost of care than the number of people receiving it. In other words, the insurer saw bigger hospital bills rather than more people heading to the hospital.
WellPoint competitor UnitedHealth Group Inc. said last week it expects health care use to increase steadily throughout the new year. UnitedHealth reported a 21 percent increase in fourth-quarter earnings, to $1.26 billion, or $1.17 per share.
For 2012, WellPoint expects to earn at least $7.60 per share on about $62.1 billion in operating revenue. Analysts expect earnings of $7.76 per share on $63 billion in revenue. Windley said he expects WellPoint's initial outlook to increase during the year.
WellPoint also said Wednesday that its board approved an increase in its quarterly dividend from 25 cents per share to 28.7 cents. The dividend will be paid in March.
WellPoint shares fell $3.30, or 4.8 percent, to close at $66.10 Wednesday.
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Thursday, January 26, 2012
State of the Union Address 2012: Obama Speech Outlines American Dream, Reelection Strategy
In his last State of the Union address before the 2012 election, President Obama called upon Congress to work together to rebuild the coveted American Dream.
Our 44th President promised, in a memorable phrase, “no bail-outs, no hand-outs, no cop-outs” to financial institutions that helped derail the U.S. economy.
Obama spoke about “fair” tax reform with a thinly-veiled reference to phrases Republican presidential candidates have used against him repeatedly in debates.
“You can call this ‘class warfare’ all you want,” he said, calling it pure fairness. Without a doubt, the 2012 State of the Union address was a campaign speech:
He said Americans must get past personal ambition and partisan obsession to "focus on the mission at hand" and keep the dream alive by restoring the economy.
"No challenge is more urgent. No debate is more important," he said.
"We can either settle for a country where a shrinking number of people do really well, while a growing number barely get by. Or we can restore an economy where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share and everyone plays by the same rules."
"Do we want to keep tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans? Or do we want invest in everything else? If we're serious about paying down our debt, we can't do both."
Rebuttals came quickly and predictably from political opponents.
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, who delivered the "official" GOP response, said that the president's rigid adherence to ideology was suffocating innovation:
"Extremism that stifles development of homegrown energy, or cancels a perfectly safe pipeline that would employ tens of thousands, or jacks up consumer utility bills for no improvement in either human health or world temperature, is a pro-poverty policy."
"We do not accept that ours will ever be a nation of haves and have nots; we must always be a nation of haves and soon to haves," Daniels said.
On Fox News, Sean Hannity interviewed GOP candidate Mitt Romney, who asserted that, on the basis of this night, the President is “disconnected from reality.”
The bipartisan high point of the evening occurred just before the speech, as Obama, in making his way to the podium, paused to hug Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
Giffords is resigning from Congress this week to recover from her brain injury. A chant of “Gabby, Gabby, Gabby” could be heard throughout the House floor.
Obama in 2012?
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Will a Strong Performance by Mitch Daniels Make Him the GOP Candidate by Convention? (ContributorNetwork)
ANALYSIS | It's no accident Mitch Daniels is giving the response to President Barack Obama's State of the Union address. His speech is clearly a trial balloon for Republicans to see if he would fare better in the 2012 election than a Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, or Ron Paul.
Daniels has many characteristics the others lack. He's been a governor, something the others outside of Romney lack experience with. And unlike Romney, he's been in office for more than a single term. He's also served in a presidential administration, as President George W. Bush's budget director, something the other four have not done. His private sector experience cements his position as having more experience than the others.
Normally, being Bush's budget director would be a liability, except that he doesn't have the baggage of others in the administration, like Cheney and Rumsfeld. He left before the disastrous second term to govern Indiana. In fact, in Ron Suskind's book, "The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House and the Education of Paul O'Neill," he comes as one of the few voices of reason, warning about long-term budget deficits.
In Indiana, he's been front-and-center in the fight against unions, which should appeal to the base. But he's also closer to the political center on environmental and social issues.
Now I know what you are thinking, that it is too late for Daniels to run. Most of the deadlines to run in the state primaries and caucuses have long since passed. But you falsely assume that our primary system and nomination process are somehow embedded in the constitution. It's the party's choice who it picks as its winner. And that can take place in a convention or in the primary slugfest, which may not even produce enough candidates for someone to secure the nomination (the Mondale-Hart battle of 1984 wasn't even settled until after the last primary day).
There are even precedents for this sort of contingency. In 1952, Tennessee Senator Estes Kefauver won the primaries, even upsetting President Harry S. Truman. But Democrats didn't let the bespectacled coon-skin cap mafia-busting legislator represent them. Instead, the delegates selected the more intellectual Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson in 1952, and again in 1956.
But this isn't the 1950s, you think. And Florida's delegates weren't labeled half a person in the last election by the Democratic Party, right? Parties have a lot more power over the nomination process than we think. And if Daniels wows his party faithful and independents, pressure will build to pick him in the Republican convention in Tampa, Florida this summer.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012
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Monday, January 23, 2012
Panetta: US won't cut carrier fleet to fix budget
ABOARD THE USS ENTERPRISE?? The United States will not cut America's fleet of 11 aircraft carriers to help trim the budget deficit, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said on Saturday, citing tensions with Iran as an example of why the massive ships are so critical to national security.
Panetta was addressing about 1,700 sailors headed to the Gulf this spring aboard the USS Enterprise, which after a half-century of service is about to embark on its final tour before being taken offline in November.
The Enterprise's last deployment comes at a moment of heightened tensions with Iran, which has threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz, the world's most important oil shipping lane. That's something the United States says it will not allow.
"You're part of what keeps our force agile and flexible and quickly deployable and capable of taking on any enemy, anywhere in the world," Panetta said, speaking about 100 nautical miles off the coast of the U.S. state of Georgia.
Other political news of note
Gingrich wins South Carolina GOP primary
NBC News projects that Newt Gingrich has won the South Carolina Republican primary, capping off a remarkable comeback for his presidential bid that reshapes the trajectory of the battle for the GOP nomination.
- Updated 75 minutes ago 1/22/2012 9:48:28 AM +00:00 NYT: Santorum, optimistic, plans effort nationwide
- Conservatives, evangelical Christians rebuff Romney
- Early voting opens statewide in Florida
- Obama to talk economy in State of the Union
Gingrich wins South Carolina GOP primary
"For that reason that the President of the United States and all of us . have decided that it is important for us to maintain our carrier presence at full strength. And that means we'll be keeping 11 carriers in our force," he said to applause.
Next week, the Pentagon is due to announce a five-year budget plan that will cut about $260 billion from projected defense spending, scaling back the military after a decade of costly land wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Some analysts have speculated that the Pentagon could slightly shrink the carrier fleet, perhaps by slowing construction of new ships to replace older ones like the Enterprise, the world's first nuclear-powered carrier. Its missions date back to the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 and the Vietnam war.
There will already be a nearly three-year gap between the time that the Enterprise goes offline in November and its replacement, the USS Gerald R. Ford, comes online in 2015.
But Panetta insisted that the U.S. commitment to a fleet of 11 carriers was long-term and was quick to cite Iran as one of the important reasons that aircraft carriers were important in projecting American military power anywhere in the world.
Asked about Iran by one of the crew, Panetta said the United States would forge ahead with efforts to tighten sanctions isolating Iran over its nuclear program - sending a clear message that the international community will not let it obtain a nuclear weapon. Iran says its uranium enrichment is peaceful.
"But the most important way we make those messages clear is to show that we are prepared, and that we are strong. And that we will have a presence in that part of the world. And that's what this carrier is all about," he said.
"And better for them to deal with us through diplomacy and through international rules and regulations - and not other ways. Because they ain't going to win."
Panetta's trip to the Enterprise came as its strike group ran drills confronting a hostile, hypothetical nation named "Garnet." Panetta sat in the captain's chair as a fictitious enemy ship trailed the Enterprise, and spoke to a pilot as he attempted to land on the deck. After more training, the Enterprise will deploy in March and eventually head to the Gulf.
"They are going to a critical area of the world," Panetta told reporters later. "They're going to be traveling through the Straits of Hormuz and they will represent the naval presence and power projection that we've made clear that we're going to maintain in the Middle East."
Copyright 2012 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.
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BlackBerry maker co-CEOs step down as co-CEOs
TORONTO (AP) ? BlackBerry maker Research in Motion's co-CEOs, Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis, announced they have stepped down as co-CEOs and co-chairmen of the once-iconic company that has struggled to compete in recent years.
The RIM founders have been replaced by Thorsten Heins, a chief operating officer who joined RIM four years ago from Siemens AG, RIM said Sunday.
The Canadian company turned the email smartphone into a ubiquitous device that many could not live without, but U.S. users have moved on to flashier touch-screen phones such as Apple's iPhone and various competing models that run Google's Android software. RIM has suffered a series of setbacks and has lost tens of billions in market value.
RIM said last month that new phones deemed critical to the company's future would be delayed until late this year. And its PlayBook tablet, RIM's answer to the Apple iPad, failed to gain consumer support, forcing the company to deeply discount it to move the devices off store shelves.
Many shareholders and analysts have said a change or sale of the company has been needed, but the sudden departure of the two founders from their top jobs wasn't expected despite their promises that they would examine the co-CEO and co-chairmen structure.
Balsillie and Lazaridis have long been celebrated as Canadian heroes, even appearing in the country's citizenship guide for new immigrants as models of success. They headed Waterloo, Ontario-based RIM together for the past two decades.
"There comes a time in the growth of every successful company when the founders recognize the need to pass the baton to new leadership. Jim and I went to the board and told them that we thought that time was now," Lazaridis said in a statement.
Lazaridis will take on a new role as vice chairman of RIM's board and chairman of the board's new innovation committee. Balsillie remains a member of the board.
The two remain two of RIM's biggest shareholders.
"I agree this is the right time to pass the baton to new leadership, and I have complete confidence in Thorsten, the management team and the company," Balsillie said in the statement. "I remain a significant shareholder and a director and, of course, they will have my full support."
Analysts have said RIM's future depends on its much-delayed new software platform as RIM has tried and failed to reinvigorate the BlackBerry. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs said in late 2010 that RIM would have a hard time catching up to Apple because RIM has been forced to move beyond its area of strength and into unfamiliar territory of trying to become a software platform company.
Heins, 54, said Lazaridis and Balsillie took RIM in the right direction and said he's committed to the new software.
"We are more confident than ever that was the right path. It is Mike and Jim's continued unwillingness to sacrifice long-term value for short-term gain which has made RIM the great company that it is today. I share that philosophy and am very excited about the company's future," Heins said.
Barbara Stymiest, a former chief operating officer of the Royal Bank of Canada who has been a member of RIM's board since 2007, has named chair of the board of directors. RIM also announced that Prem Watsa, the chief executive of Fairfax Financial Holdings, is a new board member. Watsa has become a significant shareholder.
Lazaridis said he was so confident in the future direction of the company that he intends to purchase an additional $50 million of the company's shares on the open market.
RIM was worth more than $70 billion a few years ago but now has a market value of $8.9 billion.
The company still has 75 million active subscribers, but many analysts believe RIM will lose market share internationally as it has in the U.S. Market researcher NPD Group said RIM's market share of smartphones in the U.S. declined from 44 percent in 2009 to 10 percent in 2011.
Balsillie acknowledged in December that the last few quarters have been among the most challenging times in the company's history.
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Sunday, January 22, 2012
Northwest hopes for reprieve from powerful storm (AP)
SEATTLE ? The powerful Pacific Northwest storm that swelled Oregon rivers and left Washington state coated in ice that brought much of the state to a standstill was supposed to taper off Friday, but a rainy weekend forecast meant flooding worries would continue for some time.
The unusually strong system temporarily shut down Seattle's airport Thursday and knocked down so many trees state patrol troopers brought chainsaws in their cruisers to hack through the obstacles. It also left three people dead: a mother and her 1-year-old boy, killed after torrential rain swept away a car from an Oregon grocery store parking lot; and an elderly man fatally injured by a falling tree as he was backing an all-terrain vehicle out of a backyard shed near Seattle.
The snow kept falling Thursday evening in western Washington and was not expected to stop until early Friday, but familiar rain is on its way, according to the National Weather Service.
"The better news is that we have a regular Pacific front coming in tomorrow with highs in the 40s," meteorologist Dennis D'Amico said Thursday.
Oregon should see a break in the rainfall for some hours before another front comes in, said meteorologist Paul Tolleson in Portland.
"We'll have decent fronts for the next 24 to 36 hours. It'll be just enough rain to make people nervous," he said.
The region hoped to clean up after two days of wind, snow and ice. More than 50 downed trees on railroad tracks and the threat of more falling forced Amtrak officials to close service between Portland and Seattle on Thursday morning. the closure continued Friday.
Officials in Spokane declared a snow emergency, banning parking along arterials and bus routes beginning Thursday evening. The City of Seattle asked people to get home before dark if possible, fearing even worse icing conditions by nightfall. And authorities told pedestrians to be extra careful on sidewalks and to look out for "falling ice from trees, buildings and power lines."
The State Patrol said it had responded to about 2,300 accidents in a 24-hour period ending at 9 a.m. Thursday, roughly quadruple the average number.
The National Weather Service said the last widespread freezing rain in Seattle was in December 1996.
Elsewhere, the state Transportation Department closed one highway for much of Thursday because of falling trees that also took out power lines. The Seattle Times reported late Thursday night that about 250,000 customers were without power in several counties in the Seattle area. Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire declared a state of emergency, authorizing the use of National Guard troops if necessary.
The weather system brought heavy snows to Washington's Mt. Rainier and four people were reported missing. A search was suspended at nightfall but was to resume Friday, officials said.
Farther south, near Reno, Nev., winds gusting up to 82 mph pushed a fast-moving brush fire south out of control on Thursday as it burned several homes, threatened dozens more and forced thousands to evacuate their neighborhoods.
In Washington, ice closed Sea-Tac Airport completely in the early morning Thursday before one runway was reopened. Lines hundreds of people long snaked around nearly every ticket counter at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, with many passengers on their cellphones as they tried furiously to rebook their flights. Reader boards showed the vast majority of flights canceled or delayed. All three runways reopened by Thursday evening, but the backlog from the earlier disruption was going to take a while to clear.
Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air canceled 310 flights to and from Seattle Thursday and Alaska Air said it was canceling 50 flights on Friday.
Sarah Slack and her daughters, 9-year-old Jayda and 6-year-old Jaycee, were at the airport Thursday, trying to get to Disneyland for Jaycee's 7th birthday on Saturday. A connecting flight was cancelled, and it looked like the family from Puyallup wouldn't be able to get out until Friday evening. Jayda tried to take things in stride. "Our flight got we have to go tomorrow," she said.
Oregon State climatologist Kathie Dello said the Hawaiian "Pineapple Express" is responsible for the wet weather. The system is creating a fire hose-like effect, dumping a concentrated stream of Pacific moisture on a small area in the western Willamette Valley.
Another Willamette Valley town, Scio, contended with floodwaters and many residents were being evacuated as the city manager said water was pouring down Main Street.
Officials in the city of Turner have issued a voluntary evacuation order to residents, asking them to flee to higher ground as floodwaters from the rising Mill Creek swept through town.
To the west of Oregon's Coast Range, residents were being moved out of Mapleton, with a population of about 900.
In Albany, rising water from heavy rains swept a car carrying four people into an overflowing creek on Wednesday night. Two people escaped, but one child's body was recovered early Thursday morning, and family members in the afternoon located his mother's body, authorities said.
A witness said that the car was sucked into a culvert.
Near Issaquah, Wash., a man in his 60s backing an all-terrain vehicle out of a shed was killed by a falling tree, King County sheriff's Sgt. Cindi West said.
Karina Shagren, a spokeswoman for Gregoire, said even though an emergency declaration has been issued, the National Guard has not been called up. Shagren said what sparked the proclamation was concern over truck drivers carrying dairy products not being able to drive more than 12 hours a day due to federal regulations.
Freight train operations were suspended by BNSF Thursday between Tacoma and Centralia. Large trees continued to fall, creating a safety hazard, said spokesman Gus Melonas, adding that regular service was not expected until Friday afternoon.
In a Tacoma apartment complex, 25-year-old Sam Doyle woke up to see a 40-foot tree on his Subaru Impreza, now with two busted windows and a caved in roof.
"It handles great in the snow but the snow ended up taking it out in the end," he said. "It could be worse. It could have been a person that got hit."
Cooper reported from Albany, Ore. Associated Press writers Doug Esser, Ted Warren, Shannon Dininny, Rachel La Corte, Nigel Duara and Nicholas K. Geranios contributed to this report.
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LightSquared claims government testing 'rigged' by GPS industry insiders
This is getting interesting. After the recent news that federal testing determined LightSquared's LTE network plans would never work without interfering with GPS (and a cease to any further testing) LightSquared has come back with guns blazing. In a statement, the company has accused the GPS industry of rigging the results by using antiquated equipment, shrouding the entire process in secrecy, and using unrealistic parameters for failure. Jeff Carlisle, LightSquared’s Executive Vice President of regulatory affairs and public policy, Geoff Stearn, LightSquared’s Vice President for spectrum development, and Edmond Thomas, former chief engineer at the FCC held a press conference and had the following to say:
Testing was shrouded in secrecy, no transparency. The GPS manufacturers cherry-picked the devices in secret without any independent oversight authority in place or input from LightSquared. The GPS manufacturers and the government end users put non-disclosure agreements in place for the PNT EXCOM’s tests, preventing any input by an independent authority or from LightSquared before the tests began. This secrecy made it impossible for independent experts to properly oversee or challenge the process and results, thereby leaving taxpayers who paid for the testing no option but to take the PNT EXCOM’s word for it.
The testing protocol deliberately focused on obsolete and niche market devices that were least able to withstand potential interference. When LightSquared finally obtained a list of the devices tested, after all testing in this first phase of tests had been completed, it was able to determine that the testing included many discontinued or niche market devices with poor filters or no filters. The units tested represent less than one percent of the contemporary universe of GPS devices. In fact, the only mass market device alleged to “fail” during this round of testing performed flawlessly during the Technical Working Group testing, which used best practice protocols agreed to by all parties, thus raising doubts about the integrity of PNT EXCOM’s process.
The testing standard does not reflect reality. To guarantee favorable results, the PNT EXCOM selected an extremely conservative definition of failure – one dB of interference. Independent experts agree that a one dB threshold can only be detected in laboratory settings and has no impact on GPS positional accuracy or user experience. In fact, GPS devices are designed with the ability to withstand eight dB or more of loss of sensitivity due to man-caused and natural interference. By setting the definition of interference at one dB, the testing was rigged to ensure that most receivers would fail. It should be noted that PNT EXCOM and others have justified the one dB threshold by citing an International Telecommunication Union (ITU) standard. However, that standard explicitly states that it does not apply to general purpose GPS receivers.
They go on to say other great quotables like asking reporters to enquire if it's "fair that taxpayers funded a testing regime they cannot review?" and speaking of violating "conflict of interest" laws. They are serious, and should be. Earlier this month, LightSquared was given just 30 days to get regulatory approval by Sprint, who is a heavy investor and has (had?) plans to use LightSquared's service for their nationwide LTE roll-out. Losing funding from Sprint would be a major financial blow to LightSquared. We're pretty certain Sprint will still be able to roll out their LTE network as planned, but they see an advantage in using LightSquared and would like to see everything resolved as well.
Were the testing procedures rigged? Will LightSquared get another shot with different testing procedures? Will Sprint continue to invest in the company? Join us next week for another episode of the Guiding LightSquared. See the press release after the break.
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Saturday, January 21, 2012
Stocks set to dip amid earnings, Europe
By Reuters
Stocks are set to dip Friday, indicating the S&P 500 may snap a three-day win streak after Google results fell short of expectations and as investors eyed Greek debt talks for signs of progress.
Google Inc shares slumped 7.6 percent to $591 in premarket trading after quarterly profit and revenue for the No. 1 Internet search engine missed Wall Street expectations on declining search advertising rates.
Greece and its private bondholders inched closer to reaching a long-awaited debt swap deal that would prevent the nation from spiraling toward bankruptcy and ratchet up fears about the euro zone's economic stability.
General Electric Co fell 3.3 percent to $18.52 after the largest U.S. conglomerate reported roughly flat profit from continuing operations.
But a strong outlook from International Business Machines Corp and decent results from Intel Corp and Microsoft Corp indicated corporate leaders were shaking off nervousness about economic growth and boosting spending on technology.
Microsoft shares were up 2.1 percent to $28.70, and Intel edged up 0.2 percent to $25.69 premarket. IBM gained 2.4 percent to $184.92 in light premarket trade.
European shares slipped 0.3 percent early Friday after hitting 5-1/2 month highs in the previous session as major indexes neared "overbought" territory. Asian shares rose to fresh two-month highs as solid euro zone sovereign debt sales.
Economic data on existing home sales was due from the National Association of Realtors for December at 10 a.m. ET. Economists forecast a 4.65 million annual rate in December, versus 4.42 million in November.
Chinese factory activity likely fell for a third successive month in January, an early indicator showed, suggesting Beijing's pro-growth policies will remain in place despite early signs a downward drift was slowing.
U.S. stocks rose Thursday, sparked by results from Bank of America Corp and Morgan Stanley and as the latest jobless claims dropped to a near four-year low.
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Friday, January 20, 2012
Rick Perry Doubles Down, Calls Leaders of Turkey 'Islamic Terrorists' Again (Little green footballs)
Sports: KU blasts previously unbeaten Baylor
Wednesday, Jan. 18
6:30 a.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
6:45 a.m. Breakfast Optimist Club, Stacy?s Restaurant, Grandview Plaza
9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Exercise at Senior Citizens Center
10 a.m. Mother Goose Time for Tots (age 2 with adult caregiver) at library
11:15 a.m. to noon Lil Emerging Artist (ages 3 to 5), JC Arts, 109 W. Seventh St.
Noon Noon Kiwanis meets at Kite?s, Sixth and Washington streets
Noon Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
12:15 p.m. Weight Watchers, Presbyterian Church 113 W. Fifth St.
1 to 4 p.m. Cards at Senior Citizens Center
5:30 p.m. Weight Watchers, Presbyterian Church, 113 W. Fifth St.
6 to 7:45 p.m. AWANA Club, First Southern Baptist Church
7:30 p.m. Melita Chapter 116, Order of the Eastern Star, 722 1/2 N. Washington St.
7:30 p.m. Chapman Rebekah Lodge #645, Chapman Senior Center
7 p.m. Woodcarvers meet at JCAC studio, 109 W. Seventh St.
8 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, Presbyterian Church, 113 W. Fifth St.
Senior Citizens Center errands to Fort Riley and Dillons
Thursday, Jan. 19
9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Line dancing at Senior Citizens Center
9:30 a.m. MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), First Southern Baptist Church, child care provided
10 a.m. Storytime (ages 3-5) at library
1 p.m. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Episcopal Church of the Covenant, 314 N. Adams St.
1:30 p.m. Job Club at Senior Citizens Center
4 p.m. Doors open at the Junction City Fraternal Order of Eagles, 203 E. 10th St.
4 to 5 p.m. Creative Zone for K-5th grade, JC Arts, 109 W. Seventh St.
5 to 8 p.m. Junction City Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie and Auxiliary kitchen is open with full meals
6:30 p.m. Flinthills Depression and Bipolar Alliance Support Group, First Christian Church, Fifth and Humboldt, Manhattan
7:30 p.m. JC Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie meeting, 203 E. 10th St.
7:30 p.m. Stated Communications, Union Masonic Lodge No. 7 AF&AM
8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
Afternoon computer class at Senior Citizens Center
Senior Citizens Center errands to Walmart
Friday, Jan. 20
9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Exercise at Senior Citizens Center
Noon Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
4 p.m. Doors open at the Junction City Fraternal Order of Eagles, 203 E. 10th St.
5 to 8 p.m. Junction City Fraternal Order of Eagles kitchen is open with short-order meals?
6 p.m. Ogden American Legion Bingo, 515 Riley Blvd.
6 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, Women?s meeting, 119 W. 7th St.
6:30 p.m. JC Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxiliary Bingo, 203 E. 10th St., open to public
8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
Senior Citizens Center errands to Dillons
Saturday, Jan. 21
Noon Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
Noon to 1 p.m. Drawing class for elementary age, JC Arts, 109 W. Seventh St.
12:15 p.m. Father Kapaun Knights of Columbus, basement of St. Mary?s Chapel, Fort Riley
1 p.m. Doors open at JC Fraternal Order of Eagles, 203 E. 10th St.
1 to 8 p.m. Junction City Fraternal Order of Eagles kitchen is open with full meals, evening special available from 5 to 8 p.m.
1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Drawing class for middle schol age, JC Arts, 109 W. Seventh St.
6:30 p.m. JC Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie Bingo, 203 E. 10th St., open to public
7 p.m. American Legion Post 45 Bingo, Fourth and Franklin Streets
8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
Sunday, Jan. 22
Noon Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
1:30 p.m. American Legion Post 45 Auxiliary Bingo, Fourth and Franklin Streets
8 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
Monday, Jan. 23
9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Exercise at Senior Citizens Center
Noon Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. 7th St.
1 to 2:30 p.m. Troubadours of JC rehearsal at Senior Citizens Center, 1025 S. Spring Valley Road
4 p.m. Doors open at Junction City Fraternal Order of Eagles, 203 E. 10th St.
6 p.m. JC South Kiwanis meets at Sirloin Stockade, 426 Golden Belt Blvd.
6 p.m. LIFE class: Basketmaking at Hobby Haven
6:45 p.m. Social Duplicate Bridge, 1022 Caroline Ave.
7 p.m. JC Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxiliary meeting, 203 E. 10th St.
7 p.m. Hope Al Anon meeting at First United Methodist Church
7 p.m. Hope Al-anon, First United Methodist Church, 804 N. Jefferson.
8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
Afternoon Bingo at Senior Citizens Center
Senior Citizens Center errands to bank, post office and Walmart
Tuesday, Jan. 24
10 a.m. Storytime (ages 3 to 5) at library
10 to 11 a.m. Bible study at Senior Citizens Center
1 p.m. Storytime (ages 3-5) at library
1 p.m. Low vision meeting at Senior Citizens Center
4 p.m. Doors open at the Junction City Fraternal Order of Eagles, 203 E. 10th St.
4 to 5 p.m. Creative Zone for K-5th grade, JC Arts, 109 W. Seventh St.
5 to 8 p.m. Junction City Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie and Auxiliary kitchen is open with full meals
6 p.m. Storytime (ages 3 to 5) at library
6:30 p.m. JC Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie Bingo, 203 E. 10th St., open to public
7 p.m. Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol, JC airport terminal, 540 Airport Road
8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
Afternoon computer class at Senior Citizens Center
Wednesday, Jan. 25
6:30 a.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
6:45 a.m. Breakfast Optimist Club, Stacy?s Restaurant, Grandview Plaza
9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Exercise at Senior Citizens Center
10 a.m. Mother Goose Time for Tots (with adult caregiver) at library
11:15 a.m. to noon Lil Emerging Artist (ages 3 to 5), JC Arts, 109 W. Seventh St.
Noon Noon Kiwanis meets at Kite?s, Sixth and Washington streets
Noon Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
12:15 p.m. Weight Watchers, Presbyterian Church 113 W. Fifth St.
1 to 4 p.m. Cards at Senior Citizens Center
5:30 p.m. Weight Watchers, Presbyterian Church, 113 W. Fifth St.
6 to 7:45 p.m. AWANA Club, First Southern Baptist Church
7 p.m. Woodcarvers meet at JCAC studio, 109 W. Seventh St.
7 p.m. New Beginnings-New Life Support Group, Martha Hoover Conference Room, Geary County Community Hospital
7 p.m. LIFE class: Meditation and You at library annex, 238 W. Eighth St.
8 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, Presbyterian Church, 113 W. Fifth St.
January birthdays party at Senior Citizens Center
Senior Citizens Center errands to Fort Riley and Dillons
Thursday, Jan. 26
10 a.m. Storytime (ages 3 to 5) at library
9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Line dancing at Senior Citizens Center
9:30 a.m. MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), First Southern Baptist Church, child care provided
1 p.m. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Episcopal Church of the Covenant, 314 N. Adams St.
1 p.m. LIFE class: Writing Your Family History at library
4 p.m. Doors open at the Junction City Fraternal Order of Eagles, 203 E. 10th St.
4 to 5 p.m. Creative Zone for K-5th grade, JC Arts, 109 W. Seventh St.
5 to 8 p.m. Junction City Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie and Auxiliary kitchen is open with full meals
7 p.m. LIFE class: Crochet at library
7:30 p.m. JC Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie, 203 E. 10th St.
8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
Afternoon computer class at Senior Citizens Center
Senior Citizens Center errands to Walmart
Registration and fee deadline for LIFE class on basketmaking Feb. 9
Friday, Jan. 27
9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Exercise at Senior Citizens Center
Noon Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
4 p.m. Doors open at the Junction City Fraternal Order of Eagles, 203 E. 10th St.
5 to 8 p.m. Junction City Fraternal Order of Eagles kitchen is open with short-order meals?
6 p.m. Evening meal (ham, scalloped potatoes, broccoli with cheese and fruit dessert) at Senior Citizens Center
6 p.m. Ogden American Legion Bingo, 515 Riley Blvd.
6 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, Women?s meeting, 119 W. 7th St.
7 to 10 p.m. Dance at Senior Citizens Center
6:30 p.m. JC Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxiliary Bingo, 203 E. 10th St., open to public
6:30 p.m. JC Sundowners Club coronation of Snow King and Queen following monthly evening meal at Senior Citizens Center, 1025 S. Spring Valley Road
8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
Senior Citizens Center errands to Dillons
Saturday, Jan. 28
9 a.m. Saturday @ the Library (Winter Family Fun), Junction City Municipal Building
Noon Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
Noon to 1 p.m. Drawing class for elementary age, JC Arts, 109 W. Seventh St.
1 p.m. Doors open at JC Fraternal Order of Eagles, 203 E. 10th St.
1 to 8 p.m. Junction City Fraternal Order of Eagles kitchen is open with full meals, evening special available from 5 to 8 p.m.
1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Drawing class for middle schol age, JC Arts, 109 W. Seventh St.
6 to 10 p.m. JC Arts Murder Mystery Dinner
6:30 p.m. JC Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie Bingo, 203 E. 10th St., open to public
7 p.m. American Legion Post 45 Bingo, Fourth and Franklin Streets
8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
Sunday, Jan. 29
Noon Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
1:30 p.m. American Legion Post 45 Auxiliary Bingo, Fourth and Franklin Streets
8 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
Monday, Jan. 30
9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Exercise at Senior Citizens Center
Noon Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. 7th St.
1 to 2:30 p.m. Troubadours of JC rehearsal at Senior Citizens Center, 1025 S. Spring Valley Road
4 p.m. Doors open at Junction City Fraternal Order of Eagles, 203 E. 10th St.
6 p.m. JC South Kiwanis meets at Sirloin Stockade, 426 Golden Belt Blvd.
6:45 p.m. Social Duplicate Bridge, 1022 Caroline Ave.
7 p.m. Hope Al Anon meeting at First United Methodist Church
7 p.m. Hope Al-anon, First United Methodist Church, 804 N. Jefferson.
8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
Afternoon Bingo at Senior Citizens Center
Senior Citizens Center errands to bank, post office and Walmart
Tuesday, Jan. 31
10 a.m. Storytime (ages 3 to 5) at library
10 to 11 a.m. Bible study at Senior Citizens Center
1 p.m. Storytime (ages 3 to 5) at library
4 p.m. Doors open at the Junction City Fraternal Order of Eagles, 203 E. 10th St.
4 to 5 p.m. Creative Zone for K-5th grade, JC Arts, 109 W. Seventh St.
5 to 8 p.m. Junction City Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie and Auxiliary kitchen is open with full meals
6 p.m. Storytime (ages 3 to 5) at library
6:30 p.m. JC Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie Bingo, 203 E. 10th St., open to public
7 p.m. Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol, JC airport terminal, 540 Airport Road
8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, 119 W. Seventh St.
Afternoon computer class at Senior Citizens Center
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